Colton Haynes pubblica le foto choc di quando era depresso e alcolizzato: “Sono così grato di essere dove sono ora”



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Throwback. I don’t want worrying about if I look hot or not on Instagram to be my legacy. I don’t want to skirt around the truth to please other people or to gain economic success. I have far more important things to say than what magazine I just shot for or what tv show I’m a part of (Although I’m very thankful I still get to do what I love). I no longer want to project a curated life. I get immense joy when someone comes up to me & says that my willingness to open up about depression, anxiety, alcoholism, & addiction has helped them in some way. I’ve struggled the past year with trying to find my voice and where I fit in & that has been the most beautiful struggle I’ve ever had to go through. Worrying about what time to post on social media so I can maximize my likes or being mad at myself that I don’t look the same way I did when I was addicted to pills is a complete waste of why I was put on this earth. I’m posting these photos to let y’all in on my truth. I’m so grateful to be where I am now ( a year after these photos were taken) but man these times were dark. I’m a human being with flaws just like you. If ur in the middle of the dark times…I promise you it doesn’t have to last forever. Love y’all ❤️

Un post condiviso da Colton Haynes (@coltonlhaynes) in data:

Un anno fa si trovava su un lettino d’ospedale, gonfio di farmaci e alcool, depresso, sull’orlo di un baratro.
Ora con coraggio Colton Haynes ha deciso di pubblicare quelle immagini, perché riuscito a risollevarsi, a riprendere le redini della propria vita.

“Ho cose più importanti da dire e sono felice quando qualcuno mi dice che l’ho aiutato parlando apertamente della mia depressione e dell’ansia, dell’alcolismo e delle dipendenze” “Condivido queste foto per farvi conoscere la mia verità”.  “Questi erano tempi bui e io sono un essere umano imperfetto come voi. Se anche voi state attraversando un momento difficile, vi prometto che non durerà per sempre. Vi amo tutti”.


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